July 2024 Sightings

Details of July sightings will appear on the Monthly Sightings page.


  1. Mike&Andy
    30th July 2024

    A few decent birds at Doddington this morning,Common Sand,Kingfisher and Grey Wagtail from the sailing club,Red Kite over the lower pool and a Goldcrest from the units area.

    25th July 2024

    Congleton – River Dane – Grey Wagtail; Dipper (Pam); Female goosander and young (24/07/2024 Pam)

  3. Mike&Andy
    18th July 2024

    A year tick Hobby,straight through at Lea Forge,Wybunbury this morning.

  4. Glyn Jones
    16th July 2024

    Borrow Pit Meadows Pool – 1445
    M & F Kingfisher

  5. Colin
    14th July 2024

    a vary quiet morning at Doddington except for a count of mute swans – now up to 94 (the big white ones are still easy!)

  6. Nigel Henderson
    7th July 2024

    Congleton: River Dane: Kingfisher, Grey Wagtail, (4/7/2024 Pam) Goosander Female and 5 young.

  7. SECOSeditor
    6th July 2024

    Repost for Darren Boulton 2 July
    Red Kite over Sainsbury’s roundabout, Nantwich Tues am.

  8. SECOSeditor
    6th July 2024

    Repost for Mike and Andy 4 July
    L.R.Plover on the shrinking flood field along the drive to the units at Doddington this afternoon.

  9. SECOSeditor
    6th July 2024

    Repost for Colin 4 July
    An exciting morning at Doddington on Thursday 4th July. Driving slowly on the estate I flushed a red kite and three ravens together on the ground in the small grass field between Lemon Pool and the wood by the hall. I parked out of the way and waited and the red kite and one of the ravens re-appeared having an aerial battle including a brief session of talon grappling. They then moved out of sight over the wood. I got another brief view of the kite ten minutes later.
    Also seen; on the puddle were oystercatcher 4 (2 adults with 2 fledged juvs), and lapwing 6 with 2 probable juvs. On the main pool 11 little grebe, 7 ads and 4 juvs of 2 broods and finally 89 mute swans

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