
Details of the latest sightings compiled from the Sandbach Flashes logbook, the SECOS Blog and other reports

Latest Sightings

More up to date sightings may be found on our Blog where you will also be able to add details of your own sightings within the SECOS area.

SECOS has launched a new WhatsApp group, "SECOS Area Birds," to keep you in the loop about the latest sightings.


For information on submitting local area sightings to SECOS see our Reporting page


Abbreviations used in the lists:

AWP = Astbury Water Park
CBP = Crewe Business Park
CF = Crabmill Flash
EHF = Elton Hall Flash
FF = Foden’s Flash (The Moat)
FFF = Fields Farm Flash
GF = Groby Flash
MGT = Maw Green Tip
OTF = Oak Tree Flash
PF = Plex Flash
PHF = Pump House Flash
QC = Quakers Coppice
RF = Railway Flash
RLP = Red Lane Pool
RLT = Red Lane Tip
TLF = Tetton Lane Flash
WF = Warmingham Flash
WLF = Watch Lane Flash

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